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QR Codes act as 'lock' for Bike-sharing Platform Mobike


In the continued exploration of QR Codes a form of infrastructure replacement, we are led to the case of bicycle sharing, as explored through start-up company Mobike. As many of those who have lived in China in recent years can attest - this company rose very quickly.

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As the use of QR codes are used to lock and unlock bikes, they have become a substitute for the bicycle rack structure itself, as well as the payment device. And while this was wildly convenient for consumers, as well as allowed the company to grow at an exponential rate quite rapidly, it also posed many regulatory issues, as it bypassed the need to work with city planning to place bike racks, the pile-ups and disregard for bicycles were left was also wild. This case interesting both in considering the creative use of QR codes as well ways to be cautious

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